What Happens When A Halloween Gag Meets An Artist/History Nerd
Victorians took mourning their loved ones very seriously. Jay's Mourning Warehouse was an actual place that gives us a fantastic glimpse into this world. Mourners (particularly women) were expected to follow strict practices of wearing the appropriate clothing for very specific time periods. Even the different sheens of black had meaning. First you were in "full mourning" with "half mourning" following where gray and lavender could be introduced back into your wardrobe. You could have your loved one's hair made into jewelry or art to keep them close. Clothing, jewelry, mourning photography, veils, umbrellas, fans, hair pins, as well as black wreaths and fabric for your front door were all available.
Victorians took mourning their loved ones very seriously. Jay's Mourning Warehouse was an actual place that gives us a fantastic glimpse into this world. Mourners (particularly women) were expected to follow strict practices of wearing the appropriate clothing for very specific time periods. Even the different sheens of black had meaning. First you were in "full mourning" with "half mourning" following where gray and lavender could be introduced back into your wardrobe. You could have your loved one's hair made into jewelry or art to keep them close. Clothing, jewelry, mourning photography, veils, umbrellas, fans, hair pins, as well as black wreaths and fabric for your front door were all available.